Bro. Callum being congratulated on taking his 3rd regular step in Freemasonry and becoming a 3rd generation Freemason with a picture of his Grandad in his year as Master of Astley Lodge in 1973.
Bro. Callum Atchison – Master Mason, again with his Father W.Bro Stuart Atchison WM with his uncles Bro. Jon Vink SW and W.Bro. Paul Smith PPrGstwd
At the Provincial AGM the Lodges IPM & Secretary WBro Paul Smith was honoured for his services to his Lodge and the Province or Durham by receiving preferment to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Steward here he is being accepted into the Durham Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge by the PGM RWBro John Paul Thompson at the Durham Masonic Hall. Provincial Steward are easily recognised by their distinctive crimson aprons and collars.
June saw the WM Passing his son Callum to the 2nd Degree, marking his 2nd regular step in Freemasonry.
The WM and his son Callum, flanked by Callum’s uncles Bro Jon Vink (SW) and WBro Paul Smith (IPM)
WBro Stuart Atchison with his son Bro Callum Atchison on the night of his initiation on the 1st May 2024 with a picture of the WM father the late WBro Robert Atchison
The WM, Bro Callum the Wardens of the Lodge Bro Jon Vink (Callum’s Uncle!) & WBro Graham Water
The members of the Lodge in attendance on the evening accompanied by WBro Jim Campbell, long time friend of the WMs family and WBro Craig Pattison the Lodge VSO
2024 Installation of W Bro Stuart Atchison with his Officers of Lodge accompanied by Prov Rep W Bro John Stevenson, Prov DC W Bro Paul McKie, VSO W Bro Craig Pattison and W Bro Neil Walker WM of Beaconsfield Lodge.
More pictures from our 79th Annual Meeting
The WM with long time family friend WBro Jim Campbell with a picture of his late father WBro Robert Atchison.
2023 Installation of W Bro Paul Smith with all the members of the Lodge who attended, also Prov Rep W Bro Paul Debeham, Prov DC W Bro Chris Watson & our VSO W Bro Craig Pattison
More pictures from our 78th Annual Meeting
W Bro Bob Miles who presented the Master Elect
2nd March 2022 presentation of 50 YEAR CERTIFICATE to W Bro Thomas McKitten by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Michael GrahamW Bro Thomas McKitten with his sons W Bro Sean McKitten & W Bro Lee McKitten W Bro Tom with the Worshipful Master W Bro Ian Silcock & Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Michael GrahamW Bro Tom McKitten leaving the Lodge to the applauds of the Officers of the Lodge including the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Michael Graham PSGD and the Lodge’s Visiting Support Office W Bro Craig Pattison PPJGWAndrew Cammiss founder and CEO of East Durham Veterans, the Lodges chosen charity at our December Meeting 2021W Bro David Watson – Worshipful Master 2021-22 with his Wardens W Bro Ian Silcock & Bro Paul SilcockThe Bewick Lodge 5988 Christmas Meeting white table charity night, 4th December 2019. Fundraising evening on behalf of FACT. Fighting All Cancers Together. A very enjoyable evening with £415 raised. Well done to all.Our Very own Bro Paul Smith providing harmony. Many Thanks PaulSummons for W Bro Mel Stephenson for the Provincial Promotions Meeting at The Lancastrian Suite Dunston 30th November 2018 when Mel was promoted to PPrJGWBro Alan Johnson achieving Provincial Honours (PPrGPurs) 23rd June 2018WM W Bro David Watson with the Officers of The Bewick Lodge 5988 for 2018-2019WM with his Wardens, accompanied by W Bro John David Watts April 2018WM with the Immediate Past Master Ian Silcock and his son Paul Silcock as Senior DeaconWM W Bro Ian Silcock with officers of The Bewick Lodge for 2016-2017W Bro Ian Silcock with his son Paul taking his first office as Steward of the LodgeW Bro William Talbot on being presented with the 2021 Festival Bronze Award, the Lodge went on to achieve the Silver Award Bro Paul Smith providing harmony at the 2016 Festive BoardVisit to Canongate & Leith No 5 Lodge Edinburgh 26th September 2017 on the occasion of returning a coffee pot which had originally been presented to the Worship Master of Canongate & Leith in 1895.The coffee pot had come into the possession of W Bro William Talbot of The Bewick Lodge 5988 from a work colleague who was going to throw it away! It has now been returned to it’s home in Edinburgh.W Bro Ian Silcock – Worshipful Master 2016-18 with his son Paul who was initiated into Freemasonry 6th May 2015 by his father W Bro Ian Silcock.W Bro David Ward Worshipful Master 2015-16 with Lodge members & visiting Provincial OfficersW Bro David Ward – Worshipful Master 2015-16W Bro Mel Stephenson – Worshipful Master 2014-15